Ph: 03 91914534

Statement of Philosophy



Our Passion and commitment are to assist children grow to be confident and socially competent members of our community, to this end the best interest of the child is our primary consideration.


Little Steps Family Day Care is committed to provide a warm, safe and stimulating environment for children to grow and develop in. We recognise and respect children and families’ beliefs and values and are conscious of the diversity in our community. We provide play-based learning programs and are dedicated to the highest potential of children’s learning and development. Our service recognises that children learn and develop uniquely, hence we are dedicated to continually improve our practices.


We work very closely with our educators to provide safe, hygienic and nurturing learning environments that promote confidence, interactions and self-help skills. Educator interactions with children are aimed at ensuring that children have the opportunity to express their individuality, freely choose activities and have access to learning experiences to develop their full potential.


We strive to provide families in our community access to home-based childcare that is affordable and flexible. We embrace the support and input given by the families to maintain our high-quality education. The relationship among educators, coordination unit, families and staff contribute to the quality environments for children’s learning and development.